Gay marriage where is mr obama

Department of Health and Human Services HHS collaborated with five other federal departments to establish a federal task force on bullying. The site includes resources and assistance for LGBT youth , including examples of community groups that offer support and options to seek counseling.

Department of Education hosted five summits on strategies for protecting students, including LGBT students, from bullying and harassment. These events included an LGBT Youth Summit in and a meeting with transgender students in June , with a sixth summit scheduled for August Supporting LGBT Health In June , President Obama issued a directive on same-sex domestic partner benefits, opening the door for the State Department to extend the full range of legally available benefits and allowances to same-sex domestic partners of members of the Foreign Service sent to serve abroad.

The Office of Personnel Management OPM also expanded federal benefits for same-sex partners of federal employees and allowed same-sex domestic partners to apply for long-term care insurance. In March , the Affordable Care Act was signed into law by President Obama and ensures that Americans have secure, stable, and affordable insurance.

Insurance companies are no longer able to discriminate against anyone due to a pre-existing condition, and because of the law, insurers can no longer turn someone away just because he or she is lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. The federal website, HealthCare. This report, which was developed in collaboration with the American Psychological Association and a panel of behavioral health experts, is the first federal in-depth review of conversion therapy.

Conversion therapy is not effective, reinforces harmful gender stereotypes, and is not an appropriate mental health treatment. This center supports communities across the country as they aim to serve the estimated 1. This center provides information, assistance and resources at the state and community levels.

After the United States v. Historic day! Ross Mathews. SandraBernhard Viva Obama who has just endorsed gay marriage. Right on time drop a dime blow your mind Sandra Bernhard. AudraEqualityMc How many young lives did the President just save saying that he supports them today? Equality Audra McDonald. RachelZoe Such an exciting day!!! Fran Dresher. October Obama starts 'evolving' on gay marriage.

May Obama becomes the first president to support same-sex marriage. July Obama signs an executive order protecting LGBT employees working for government contractors. January Obama becomes the first president to use the word 'transgender' in a State of the Union address.

April Obama says that conversion therapy for minors should be banned. Related Stories. Already a print subscriber? Go here to link your subscription. Need help? Visit our Help Center. Go here to connect your wallet.


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