Evochron mercenary where is new hope

Fight for yourself or accept contracts for a variety of objectives. Transport commodities, equipment, and weapons for profit or take on combat, mining, cleaning, asteroid field clearing, racing, and other activities. Trade with others and make allies or steal and make enemies. Use your freedom to choose your role and decide what actions to take. Numerous planets and stations to dock with offering a variety of gameplay options along with plenty of hidden benefits scattered across the game's vast seamless universe.

Exploration, trading, racing, and other activities can be just as profitable as combat. Read this guide! Check out other forum posts or get someone to send you a U2U of something profitable, you can make money really easily and get all the best equipment without touching the IMG quests. You might also want to ask yourself why you bought the game!!

And of course there are many shades in between those answers. For most new players, checking out more of the forum posts including in the Legends forum is a really good idea. Just remember to avert your eyes when someone mentions a spoiler you don't want to know about. In realiity it s hard to ignore easy info you ve seen, hard not to earn an average of 30 million credits per minutes during boring shuttle runs. Most of the advice in this guide appears elsewhere in many forms and I sometimes think that time spent reading old posts is often better practice than actually playing when you grow into the harder objectives.

But not nearly as much fun. Or as sociable On to the Guide! In a Guide like this one there are inevitably bits that tell you how to make lots of money very quickly or where to find rare equipment or find interesting things etc. For some players this is OK they want to do other things than simulate being the wage slaves they are in real life.

For others it spoils it they want to succeed the hard way, working things out for themselves, finding stuff themselves. To read it is as easy as one, two, three. Do the following: 1. Select the text 2. Copy the text 3. Paste the text into a blank Word doc or a blank text editor file e. Notepad The text will appear! Hopefully players will feel confident using the Guide without fear of having their play spoiled!

As a rookie, Explore Sapphire Within Sapphire there are asteroids, an asteroid cave, a wreck, a blackhole, planets, moons, nebulae, constructors, a carrier, gates to other places within Sapphire and back again and gates to several other systems.

You can practice major parts of the game in safety Vice: Some of what you may read on this forum is from ambitious rookies who attempted to take on challenges in areas of space they were not ready for. A new player should not just dive in to Thuban, Sierra, or Pearl expecting to 'win'.

You will need to pace yourself and establish a skill set of tactics as you learn combat. Once you become more skilled, you'll be able to venture further out into much more challenging systems with much more capable enemies. But early on, I would recommend staying close to Sapphire and practice in the Olympus system for a while until you've got the basics down.

That will let you practice with a limited number of hostiles using limited ship configurations, limited tactics, and limited weapons.

Then work toward more challenging objectives and hostile forces. There is a learning curve to this game and you often need to employ tactics on a multiple levels, rather than just always doing A when B happens. Combat does require practice, but the trade off is, by many accounts, improved depth to gameplay because of the range of options and needed tactics. Save and self-destruct is the fastest way of reloading! Also has the added side-benefits of regenerating the contract.

It is also really a cheat! When you exit a jump you come out of the jump to units before your set navigation jump point depending on your ships frame.

You will slow down to your throttle set speed, so a high throttle setting lets you get away from a hostile area as soon as possible. If the contract says four, you'll get a message saying you've completed the contract after the fourth kill. You can then walk away from however many are left over. The only exceptions are when you have to kill a named hostile the gang leader and his team - you have to kill the named leader.

Also when doing an escort - you need to keep defending the capital ship until it jumps. There s a distance to go countdown on screen so you can keep track. This can mean your system either lacks sufficient memory or something else running on your computer has blocked the game from loading the file.

This can occur if your system lacks sufficient available physical memory for the game. On the system summary screen, note the value next to 'Available physical memory'.

If that value is near around 1. If it is close to that value, you can often get the game to work by reducing the 'Planet Detail' setting to 'High', 'Medium', or 'Low', which significantly lowers the memory required.

Lowering other detail settings may also help. If changing the detail setting s doesn't work, you may need to stop any non-essential background tasks to free up more memory for the game. If you have ruled out insufficient memory as being the cause, then the error is likely caused by another program running on your system at the same time that is interfereing with the game's ability to load critical media files it needs into memory.

Games can have unique requirements and dependencies that may conflict with other software. Evochron Mercenary and Arvoch Alliance are fairly memory hungry games. They generally need a higher level of free physical memory than many other games. While you can reduce the level of memory the game needs by changing various detail settings in the Options menu, you may find that your system has plenty of memory perhaps 4 GB or more and should be able to run the game at maximum detail.

In such cases, external interference is often the cause. Since a game generally requires a lot of your computer's resources, it often takes a game to bring a restriction problem on your system to the surface. This can result in a limitation caused by a running security program that may prevent a game or application from using even just a small portion of that memory, even though the system may have plenty of installed memory.

So it isn't necessarily how much memory is used up or available, but whether enough consecutive memory is available. Another possible interference problem is disk access. If a security program blocks or otherwise interferes with a game trying to access and load a media file, the result can be a crash or error message.

A security program may decide to begin a scanning or updating process in the middle of when you are playing the game, so the problem can occur intermittently and at different points in the game.

If the problem persists, you can try temporarily disabling one or more of its residual services. Some programs may still have interference issues left behind even when disabled, in which case, you may want to try uninstalling the program entirely using something else in the meantime for protection as desired , then test the game.

There are several free options available that have few or no reported issues with the games available here. Avast has generally been considered a good alternative even while leaving its full protection mode on. Some gamers also use Microsoft Security Essentials. You can uncheck any programs you want to test disabled to try and locate which one might be causing interference. After making changes, restart your computer.

You can recheck them later to enable them as desired. If you discover a specific program that was causing the interference, please send an to the address at starwraith. Try Launching the Game as Administrator - Right click on the game's desktop icon, then left click on the 'Run as administrator' option and test for changes. You can perform a system file scan to check for missing or damaged system files.

The scan will generally take several minutes. If the screen just flashes a bit and returns to the desktop, then the program didn t run and you ll either need to run it with an admin account or in safe mode. This program is apparently preinstalled on some HP computers and has been confirmed as being a cause for some error code related problems.

Stopping this process has solved the problem as reported by several users so far. It can be consistent or intermittent. Microsoft offers a memory diagnosis tool here: If you suspect defective memory might be a factor, follow the instructions carefully to run the test, then replace any defective memory as needed. One or more of these steps will generally solve any loading error problems. But if you try all of these steps and the problem continues, you can follow the steps listed here: And I can review your system configuration for possible causes.

Testing Available System Memory The program at the link below will test the available consecutive memory on your system. There are 4 tests you can run for different memory limits.

Generally speaking, your system will need to pass test 1 to reliably run Evochron Mercenary or Arvoch Alliance. If your system passes the test, the program will display a 'Success! If your system fails the test, the program will just close on its own. There is another available option that has worked around the problem, although it is not supported. Also, the option is generally limited to systems that have at least around 4 GB of memory or more installed. Here are the details.

When enough lower memory is used up, available addressing space gets pushed higher which can result in a game encountering a limit that results in an error message, freeze, or crash when no more consecutive memory is available.

Even though the system may have plenty of memory capacity available, certain limits can be encountered when the base address level is moved higher. The preferred solution to the problem is lowering the base memory load until the game can access all of the memory it needs. But if that is not an option, you can use a utility called CFF Explorer to alter the memory limit for the game's executable.

Again, this is not a supported option and may cause other problems which is why the game is not configured this way by default. But if you want to try this option, you can download CFF Explorer from the author's website here:. Backup the original EvochronMercenary. Save the altered version as EvochronMercenary. I have a problem running the game and the suggestions here and in the Forum haven't fixed it. Vice is a wizard at solving problems and replying to you quickly!

You can specify a different folder during installation for the core game files binary, certain static data files, instructions, etc , however, files that the game needs to save data to are kept in the folder listed above.

This is done for several important reasons: This setup works with Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8 so it's easy to transfer the files from one OS to the other and from one computer to the other. SW where X is a number ranging from 0 to Each number corresponds to the slot for the profile, starting with 0 at the top.

These are the most important files to back up. They are small and can even be kept on a floppy disk. It's a good idea to back up these files periodically so you can restore your progress in the future, if needed. If these aren't backed up, the game will simply rebuild them the first time you launch a new installation of the game and you can remap your controls and change settings as desired.

If you install the game on a new system, it's a good idea to let the game rebuild the SW. CFG file anyway to accommodate differences the new system may have compared to the old one. The game will build that file based on what it detects on the system and will attempt to optimize settings based on the configuration it detects.

Download the latest full version of the game and run the installer. An update is the full game but it will not over write your player info or effect most mods if you have any. It is however a very good idea to back up your Pilot profiles in case of a hard drive crash or human error! Editing and deleting posts on the forum Press the Edit button and you can edit your post! This included editing the automatic list of when you edited the post before this can save embarrassment sometimes.

You can also delete one of your own posts by clicking Edit and then ticking the "delete this post" box. Keys to consider remapping To use the IDS multiplier you must map them - by default they aren't mapped F2 - activates jump drive by default - remap it if you find yourself jumping instead of opening the NavMap F1 or Inventory F3 screens Left-Shift - if you find you're firing missiles at the person in the station you are wanting to chat to!

Where can I get a diagram of the keyboard layout? There is a graphic file of the keyboard layout in the main game folder Does the game actually derive any benefit from a 64bit operating system or is the game a 32bit program which is just compatible with 64bit.?

Vice: There can be memory accessibility benefits by running the game on a bit OS vs a bit OS lower risk of low memory conditions on systems running other programs in the background since a bit OS can access more memory over 4 GB.

But in terms of performance, you won't likely notice any difference. If it were compiled for native bit, you'd likely even see a performance decrease. Compiling a game to run in native bit doesn't always equate to a performance improvement. The opposite can actually be true, resulting in worse performance on bit vs bit. Here are some details on this from Microsoft taken from: :. There is a modest cost for converting parameters between bit and bit when calling operating system functions, but this cost is generally negligible.

This means that you should see no slowdown when running bit applications on a bit OS. When you compile applications as bit, the calculations get more complicated. A bit program uses bit pointers, and its instructions are slightly larger, so the memory requirement is slightly increased. This can cause a slight drop in performance. But again, there can be some memory benefits by running it on a bit OS.

Vice: Yes, simply move them out of view in the gauges. Details are in the customizing kit, but in short, you'll want to modify lines Just moving the vertical values to off-screen will work. To use a different font with the game, create a text file with the name setfont. The first mode is for chat, message, console, and menu text. The position offset options will not impact this mode, so you can adjust them without effecting how the text is rendered. Button and menu graphics can be modified to accommodate different sizes and placements for the text as needed.

The second mode is for the cockpit displays and parts of the HUD. This text can be adjusted to align with various 3D object positions using the offset options above. You can also import a custom font into the game using the adjustable options above with an installed font, or you can also replace the 'evochronfont. If you want to use a special character set and the font you are using supports it, you can change the value in line 4 to select a different character set.

The character set you select must be compatible with the font you are using, or it won't apply. The last 3 lines effect only the text when it is rendered to some cockpit and HUD displays. You can use the last 3 lines to change the way the font looks for the unique scaling and positioning attributes of those cockpit and HUD displays. This lets you reposition these characters and change their size separate from the other settings applied to the text used elsewhere in the game.

The various servers, hosted for free by various players, have different "levels" of rules - usually the minimum needed to let everyone enjoy playing. Young people play the game so most servers won't allow bad language though some hosted for adults are much more tolerant. This is what the community considers common sense and honourable behaviour. They normally just do this once, then they fight at your side as well if you want them to.

Do not fear, most pilots out there will rush in and fight at your side against them anyway. Attacking is done by doing contracts with a different tag e.

Also building you own clan's stations there. Listen to the "oldies"! Blocking Contracts for other players - a no no! If you accept a contract then no-one else is able to accept a different contract in that sector until you have finished. So please don't accept a contract and then go for a coffee break! Only two things don't carry over:. What you build in SP stays there and what you build in MP stays there. Those items are saved on the server side for MP. Adding an Avatar contributed by Marvin How to add one of these to your name the above is just an example!

Get a free account with somebody like Photobucket. Added by DennyMala: You can host your pictures in many other spaces Place a copy of your avatar in your Photobucket account "Album" 3. Copy the Photobucket link to the avatar in your Album. If you're using Photobucket, just go to your Album, find the avatar, left-click to select "Direct Link," then right-click and Copy the readout in the window Log on to this forum and go to your User Control Panel.

Select the "Edit Profile" option. Click on the "Edit Profile" button at the bottom to save your avatar. It's a big galaxy and, therefore, other pilots could be busy elsewhere. Some players were using the escape key to exit the game and respawn during combat to avoid being destroyed - this is patently and exploit!

In the Expansion there is a delay when you press the escape Key 1. Press [Esc] the 4 second countdown will start 2. To Cancel Countdown: Press [Esc] again If there is any weapons fire in the area you will be warned and not get the countdown.

Either jump to somewhere else hard if you are trying to escape in a fight because you are damaged or press [F7] and you will enter the 'eject and destruct' 10 second countdown.

You will then enter the 'accept fail and exit or restart' screen How do I add those cool Rank graphics to my signature? Maarschalk The most you can transfer at a time is 99,, credits from pilot to pilot! The transfer from pilot to pilot is a bit tricky though!

You have to target each other and be in targeting range and both open your trade console then the one transferring the credits has to click on his credits and enter the amount to transfer then hit "Enter" and the amount will go in the box under "Items to offer" and then click on submit on the screen!

Now the Person receiving the transfer will see the amount appear in the Box under "Items Being offered". All he has to do now is click on submit to transfer it to the credits box! Source Marvin: I prefer to work in sectors and sub-sectors. This ratio holds at any speed. Ergo, if your speed indicator reads , you are travelling 1. To find your speed in 'sectors per hour', multiply what's displayed on your indicator by To calculate subsectors per minute, multiply what's displayed on the indicator by 6.

For example, you run out of fuel and are drifting at At that rate, you will drift 10, subsectors per minute, or 3.

There are some planets, usually in an uncharted system, that deplete your shields even just sitting there after you landed - I just managed to land and enter the city station before the shields went. I was OK whilst I was in the city "station" - I could even repair the shields and ship damage, but couldn't climb out of the atmosphere quickly enough to escape.

It should have a "stay away" beacon in orbit! It is possible to leave but it involves shields and looking like a firework! These planets have extremely high atmospheric pressure.

You have to be very nifty getting in and more so getting out. Consider managing shields to let you fly at higher than safe speeds Nebulae - the lowdown Is there anything special about nebulae? Besides the fact that you have reduced sensor range and you can't jump inside the dense ones, what DO they do, or what are they good for, if anything? Not all systems have nebulae - some have several! They come in a variety of colours. First use is eye candy and a different environment.

Try combat inside a nebula! You have to have a fuel converter fitted. A fuel converter is a remarkable piece of equipment that can transform high energy photon particles into fuel. It connects to the tractor beam system and fuel tank to directly deposit the converted fuel into the tank.

You can jump in but you have to fly back out! There are various things to be found in nebulae - stations, wrecks, containers! The "background nebulae" are just that, background and eye-candy. There are nebulae in-game that aren't, and may be flown into and through. Not every system has nebulae as part of the system's "furnishings".

You can turn off the background nebula effect in the Options menu, if desired. It's the length of time between "pay periods" Clan members get paid K credits per controlled system every minutes.. You get charged for a hangar and crew around every 20 minutes. See what kind of impact that has. Raise economies! You have just created a trading system where decent profits can be made in a quiet environment for newer players or for you!

Post its location in the forum as aprt of a treasure hunt or cryptic clues Just because a pilot found it doesn t mean they ve explored it!

It s considered rude to attack when on-one is online to defend Don t forget to switch of autodocking first alt-f3 toggles it or you ll end up smeared on your windscreen as you stop dead! Leave a station there for future visitors to have a coffee and refuel Does it depend on the frame?

How does it compare to a C10 etc Does a beam weapon really hammer shields? Does a beam weapon really not touch hulls? Where's the sweet spot for taking a capital ship down? The community loves FanFic but it s become a rare commodity recently Or just hang around in a hostile system and fight whoever shows up Yes it has been done! Modesty forbids me from naming names! It can be quite therapeutic! However, no-one has ever become rich enough to bribe Vice Evochron is a freeform space-sim, a sandbox, so you can do whatever you want.

Source Vice: And believe it or not, there is also a sizeable number of players who want and have even demanded from me, lol that they be given the option to have 'no hardship'.

Mecingo's won't be, but RedFalcon's might be. However they are still worth a look to reassure you that what might seem impossible isn't!! This is done in the shipyard, which is available at stations, carriers, and planet cities. Note: Stations and some other objects in space have their own gravity protection field to prevent ships from ramming into them. Your HUD will display a pathway that will help guide you to the docking area.

The pathway will be red if your approach is outside of the required docking angle and it will be green when you are approaching correctly. Line up your ship with the flashing docking lights to approach at the correct angle. The 'Landing and Docking' section below will provide more information on descending into planets and docking with stations. To access the shipyard, fly to a docking zone near the top of a station, a carrier hangar, or in the middle of a city with a landing zone on a planet.

The automatic tractor beam will engage and your inventory console will be opened. Descriptions of each frame and ship component are available on the bottom two displays of the menu.

Use the scroll bars to toggle through the available options, then click on one to read its description. If you're designing a civilian ship, the Frame Config menu will open automatically and lets you adjust the available frame's configuration capacities for crew members, equipment hardpoints, countermeasures, and secondary weapon hardpoints. Just click on boxes under the capacity number you want to increase or decrease each limit.

Next, select the parts you want for your ship. You can toggle through the 5 different ship components by clicking on each one on the bottom left display. Each frame provides a certain level of assembly resources that you use to design your ship.

If you design a ship that exceeds the assembly resources available for the frame you selected, the 'Assembly Left:' value at the top will turn red and you'll need to reconfigure your design to stay within the resource limit.

Each component will use a certain amount of the assembly resources and will effect various aspects of your ship. You will need to carefully prioritize your design for the features that are most important to you and the role you want to play in the game. Once you've selected the frame and components you want, you can further customize your ship's appearance by using the position and scale sliders on the middle display.

If you make a change you don't like, simply right click on a slider to reset its value to centre. For visual enhancement while editing your ship, you can highlight the component you're editing and paint your ship a different colour. Again thanks for your reply :. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 31 Dec, pm. Posts: 5. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts.

All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. But, that having been said, these exotic endeavors share another trait: all of them can be experienced to some degree through the miracle of modern PC gaming. Wannabe pilots have a number of high quality simulations to choose from, as do prospective race drivers. And those that dream of traversing the vast regions of outer space while making a living through the use of their wits, skills, and bravery, have Evochron Mercenary.

Probably the most notable technical feature of the game is that the entire universe is loaded into memory, a feature that completely removes the experience-interrupting delays in game play that result from lengthy load times as the player moves from one area to another. If one had sufficient time and patience, it would be possible to bridge the immense distances between planetary systems in real time without once experiencing a pause for the loading of new scenery.

This capability is probably aided by the fact that space is something like


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