How can krypton be obtained

About one-fifth of air consists of oxygen. The steel industry is the largest consumer of pure oxygen. Oxygen is used to remove excess carbon from steel in the form of carbon dioxide.

Oxygen is also used to treat sewage and to incinerate solid waste. Liquid oxygen is used as rocket fuel. The noble gases obtained from air other than krypton are argon, neon, and xenon.

Argon is used in certain types of light bulbs. Passing an electric current through a glass tube containing neon under low pressure produces the familiar neon sign. Xenon is used in strobe lights to produce intense, short bursts of light. The future production of krypton is likely to be influenced by the future of nuclear power production. Because krypton can be produced as a byproduct of nuclear fission, nuclear power plants may become an important source of krypton in the future.

On the other hand, if nuclear fission is largely replaced by nuclear fusion or by other forms of energy production, krypton is likely to remain almost entirely a product of the atmosphere. Asimov, Isaac. The Noble Gases. Basic Books, Atkins, P. Compressed Gas Association. Handbook of Compressed Gases. Van Nostrand Reinhold, Toggle navigation.

Made How Volume 4 Krypton Krypton. Filtered air is compressed under high pressure, raising its temperature. Other articles you might like:. Also read article about Krypton from Wikipedia.

User Contributions: 1. Krypton is also used in lasers as a control for a desired wavelength, especially in red lasers because Krypton has a much higher light density in the red spectral region than other gases such as Neon, which is why krypton-based lasers are used to produce red light in laser-light shows.

It is used to distinguish hydrophobic and hydrophillic regions containing an airway. Facts Element number: 36 Electron configuration: [Ar]3d 10 4s 2 4p 6 Atomic weight: Isolation It ranks sixth in abundance in the atmosphere. Applications Krypton gas is used in various kinds of lights, from small bright flashlight bulbs to special strobe lights for airport runways. Perhaps one of the most significant uses of Krypton is in the krypton-fluoride laser which is used in nuclear fusion energy research.

An international agreement was made in to base the length of the meter on the wavelength of light emitted by 86 Kr Problems How is the element Krypton isolated?

Why can fluorine react with Krypton to form a compound? But even for this purpose, the noble gas argon is usually used because it is cheaper, according to Universal Industrial Gases. The discovery of krypton occurred partially by accident.

Scottish chemist William Ramsay and English chemist Morris Travers were extracting argon for air in hopes of evaporating it and finding a lighter chemical element to fill the gap in the Periodic Table between argon and helium. Inadvertently, however, the researchers overdid the evaporation, leaving only a heavy gas sample behind, according to Chemicool.

Wondering if they might find something anyway, they analyzed the light spectrum of the gases in the sample and found something unknown — a brand-new element. This new element was not lighter than argon, but heavier. The researchers dubbed this discovery "krypton," from the Greek word for "hidden," kryptos.

OK, they don't actually make that sound, but krypton-fluorine lasers are a powerful scientific tool — and they're responsible for at least one Guinness World Record. These lasers can produce a pulse of energy times as strong as the entire U.

In July , researchers at the U. Naval Research Laboratory celebrated their entry into the Guinness Book of World Records for using a powerful krypton-fluorine laser to accelerate plastic foils to speeds of 1, kilometers per second more than 2.

Number of Stable Isotopes : 5 View all isotope data. Electron Shell Configuration :. Krypton Previous Isotopes Next. Say what? Krypton is pronounced as KRIP-ton.


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